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How do I join the Appraisal Institute of Canada

Please visit the AIC Path to Designation webpage for information on becoming an AIC-designated real estate appraiser. When you are ready to join as a Candidate Member or Student Member, please contact your Provincial Association to have your education reviewed and to obtain all the necessary application forms.

What is the cost to join the AIC as a Member?

The AIC annual membership cycle runs from October 1st to September 30th. The deadline to provide payment is September 30th.

The membership dues amounts differ for each province. Some also include additional fees such as chapter, licensing etc… The annual dues range from $875-1500/yr.

Note: First-Year Candidates receive a substantial dues discount on their first year of membership; dues amounts range from $300-$600. AIC liability insurance is mandatory (either fee or non-fee category); becomes effective the day your application for candidacy is approved; and must be purchased within 30 days of joining AIC.

Note 2: There is no fee for Student Members.

What is the difference between Student and Candidate Membership?

Student Membership: If you are enrolled in or have completed post-secondary education, you can become a Student Member. Applicants may have a variety of educational backgrounds. Some students may already be working in the real property industry sector, and interested in becoming designated appraisal professionals.

Candidate Members of the AIC are those who have at least two years of post-secondary education from a college, CÉGEP or university and have completed the admission requirements of the AIC. Candidate Members are professionals in the making, working under the supervision of Canada’s premier real estate valuation professionals.

When should I become a Candidate Member?

While every person’s career and education path is different, you should apply for Candidate membership when you have secured employment, and have plans to engage a co-signer.

Three reasons to apply for Candidate membership in AIC:

  1. You can obtain coverage through the AIC professional liability insurance program
  2. You will be eligible to complete reports co-signed by a Designated Member
  3. Candidate Membership is the start of the Applied Experience Program.


What is the main difference between teh AACI designation and the CRA designation?

Designated Members of AIC hold either an AACI designation or CRA designation. AACI designations permit the member to perform both commercial and residential appraisals. CRA designations indicate that the member specializes in residential properties.

If I choose to obtain the AACI, do I have to start with the CRA?

No, you can proceed directly to the AACI designation. If you wish, you may do the CRA first and then proceed to the AACI designation—it’s a personal choice.

Can I switch paths to designation from CRA to AACI?

If you have completed your CRA designation and wish to proceed to your AACI, notify AIC at ASK AIC or email Protected Email


How long does it take to complete the education program?

This depends on the type of degree you have, which program you are pursuing or if you receive any exemptions from courses.

Do I require a degree to become a member of AIC?

If you have less than two years of accredited post-secondary education, you can join as a Student Member.

If you have completed two years of accredited post-secondary education (from an accredited college, CÉGEP or university), you can become a Candidate Member.

You do require a degree to become a Designated Member with a CRA or AACI designation.

There are several universities that offer degree programs that allow you to complete your AIC curriculum requirements along with an undergraduate degree, such as UBC, TRU and Athabasca University.

A University degree will be required before you write the Applied Experience exam. You don’t need a university degree to become/join AIC (be it Candidate or Student) – but you will have to have completed a university degree (Bachelors) before you will be designated.

Where do I complete the education requirements for the AIC designations?

The Appraisal Institute of Canada has a degree requirement for both its designations. AIC’s primary education partner is the Real Estate Division (RED) of the Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia. RED delivers the entire English language Program of Professional Studies leading to AIC designation using an innovative distance learning model. This ensures consistency of delivery for AIC students no matter where they live in Canada, or abroad. The RED has established partnerships with other organizations delivering courses in both the classroom and distance. The RED also recognizes certain courses offered in universities and colleges as equivalent to certain of the AIC curriculum requirements. For complete information on the AIC program at UBC and other education partnerships, visit the Sauder School of Business website at the University of British Columbia.

Through AIC’s partnership with Université Laval, the Program of Study is also available in French across the country and around the globe through distance learning technology. Visit this link to the Laval website to learn more.

I am working on my degree at a local university; can I get a head start on completing AIC course requirements as well as getting credit towards my degree?

Possibly; many universities will grant a certain number of transfer credits from other educational institutions. Similarly, UBC may grant credit for courses you have completed as part of your current program in law, economics or mathematics. You should consult with academic advisors at your home university with regard to their acceptance of UBC courses for credit toward your degree. Admissions staff at the Real Estate Division, Sauder School of Business can advise you on what course credits they would accept as equivalent to AIC’s requirements.

Would any of my work experience exempt me from any of the necessary courses?

AIC recognizes academic credits and/or degrees that contain a Prior Learning Assessment Recognition program (PLAR) component.

What is an acccredited post-secondary institution?

recognized post-secondary institution is a public or private institution that has been given, by a public act of the provincial/territorial legislature, the authority to grant academic diplomas and degrees.

An authorized post-secondary institution is a private institution that has been given, by a private act of the provincial/territorial legislature, the authority to grant academic diplomas and degrees.

Extensive information about recognized post-secondary institutions in Canada and their credit systems is provided on the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) website.

What if I fail a course while I am a Candidate Member?

In the event you are unsuccessful in a course, UBC allows one re-write of the exam

Can I do the Applied Experience Program while I am completing my post-secondary courses?

Yes, the Applied Experience Program can be completed concurrently with the AIC requirements.

Working as an Appraiser

Can I work as an appraiser before I’m designated as a CRA member or AACI member?

Candidate Members may work as appraisers as long as their work is co-signed by a Designated Member, and they are registered in the AIC’s Candidate Co-signing Registry. Refer to our Professional Standards.

They must also purchase insurance under the AIC Professional Liability Insurance Program.

Do I need a licence to work as an appraiser in Canada?

There are two provinces in Canada that require an appraiser to have a license:  Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. If you have questions on licensing please contact the Provincial Association responsible.

Do I need insurance as a Candidate Member?

AIC has a mandatory professional liability insurance program for all working Members (excluding Student and Retired Members) providing appraisal services. The program’s objectives are as follows:

  • To create a stable guaranteed source of insurance for Members;
  • To ensure adequate coverage that can be obtained under reasonable terms;
  • To provide dedicated, professional insurance services to Members at a reasonable cost, directly related to the claims experience of the profession; and
  • To minimize administrative “red tape”.

The range of insurance premiums for each member type is provided in the table below, the composition of a members’ practice will determine their risk profile and, by extension, where their individual premium falls within these ranges:

Member Category 2024 Minimum Premium 2024 Maximum Premium 2025 Minimum Premium 2025 Maximum Premium
AACI – Fee $4,216 $5,658 $4,043 $5,427
CRA – Fee $3,182 $4,119 $3,052 $3,951
Candidate – Fee $2,548 $2,856 $2,444 $2,739
Non-Fee $85 $85 $85 $85
What resources are available to assist me to plan my career in the appraisal profession?

Upon joining the Appraisal Institute of Canada, you receive a subscription to Canadian Property Valuation magazine, an informative journal featuring articles on professional issues and trends, member profiles and news about AIC initiatives. The AIC members-only website has a wealth of information, resources and opportunities to connect with other members. Once you are ready to complete the applied experience requirements for the designation of your choice, you will need to identify a co-signer to guide you through your Candidacy work experience.

Are the AIC designations recognized outside Canada?

With the globalization of real estate portfolios and international reporting requirements, AIC members have increased their areas of practice beyond Canada. As a result of this industry exposure and because of our high standards, the Appraisal Institute of Canada brand has become internationally recognized for professionalism, integrity and quality.

What is the difference between Fee and Non Fee Member Status

Fee Status relates to insurance coverage based on the Member’s type of work and employer.

  • A FEE member provides professional services to any party external to the Member’s employer.
  • A NON-FEE Member provides services exclusively for the internal use of the Member’s employer and are kept “in-house” by the Member’s employer. Government and crown corporation employees may also register as Non-Fee.

Members who may be working in a NON-Fee capacity for one employer and a FEE capacity for another, cannot be both FEE and NON-Fee.  If a Member does any FEE work, the Member must register as FEE.

All active Members must participate in the AIC insurance program and will be denied coverage if not properly registered.

Once I have obtained my designation, or as a Candidate working towards my designation, how do I find work in the appraisal profession?

Whether you are CRA or AACI designated, or a Candidate working towards a designation, there are many ways to find work in appraisal.

  • Review your marketing strategies:Evaluate your current marketing efforts and consider whether there are areas for improvement. Explore different marketing channels, such as social media or networking events, to reach a wider audience and attract potential clients.
  • Diversify your services:Assess if there are additional services you could offer to expand your client base. This may include insurance replacement cost, matrimonial assignments, relocation, estate/succession planning, land valuation. Some resources can be found here: ca/become-an-appraiser/education-partners
  • Engage with your local chapter and provincial association:Attend your local AIC chapter meetings, professional development sessions, and networking events to connect with other Professional Appraisers in your area. Networking is often your best tool for finding job opportunities.
  • Enhance your professional network:Build and maintain relationships with real estate agents, mortgage brokers, lawyers, and other industry professionals. They can provide referrals and opportunities for collaboration, which may lead to more appraisal assignments.
  • Consider specializing:Identify specific niches within the residential market that may require specialized appraisal expertise, such as heritage homes, luxury properties, or unique architectural designs.
  • Stay updated:Keep yourself informed about local and national market trends, changes in regulations, and industry news. Being knowledgeable about the market can help you position yourself as a trusted voice in real estate and provide valuable insights to clients.
  • Reach out:Try contacting firms in your area to express your interest in work, to network with local Professional Appraisers, and to monitor upcoming job opportunities. You can also research appraisal firms in your area and monitor their websites and social media channels regularly to stay up to date with their staffing needs.
  • Invest in professional development:Take advantage of AIC Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses, as well as seminars and workshops to enhance your skills and stay up to date. Expanding your knowledge base can open doors to new opportunities and will increase your overall competency.
  • Explore new markets:If your local residential market is slow, consider expanding your services to nearby areas or exploring other markets, such as commercial appraisal or other property types.
  • Maintain relationships:Foster positive relationships with existing clients by providing exceptional service, communicating effectively, and delivering timely and accurate appraisal reports. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer you to others and engage your services in the future.
  • Improve efficiency:Optimize your processes to increase productivity and reduce turnaround times without compromising the quality of your work.
  • Seek professional advice:If the slowdown persists, consider consulting with industry mentors or experienced professionals who can provide guidance and insights based on their own experiences.

Remember, a slow period in residential appraisals can be an opportunity to fine-tune your business practices and explore new avenues for growth. Adaptability, continuous learning, and proactive marketing efforts can help you navigate challenging times and position your business for long-term success.